What Does Pendulum Squat Work? A Guide for Beginners

What Does Pendulum Squat Work?
What Does Pendulum Squat Work?


What does pendulum squat work? This is a popular lower body exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, with a focus on the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, and calves. The move is performed using a special piece of exercise equipment known as a pendulum squat machine, which mimics the natural motion of a squat but with added support and a controlled range of motion.

Muscles Worked by the Pendulum Squat

Primarily, the Pendulum Squat activates the quadriceps, the muscles at the front of your thighs, responsible for extending the knee. The glutes (buttocks) and hamstrings (back of the thighs) are also engaged, helping with hip extension and stabilization during the movement.


What does pendulum squat work? Leg Muscle Diagram
What does pendulum squat work? Leg Muscle Diagram


Pendulum Squat Guide for Beginners

Here is a guide for beginners who want to do this exercise:


The backrest and shoulder pads should be positioned so that when you sit down, your knees are aligned with the machine’s pivot point. Your feet should be placed shoulder-width apart on the platform, with your toes pointing forward or slightly outward.

Set Your Foot Placement

Ensure your feet are not too high or too low on the platform to avoid unnecessary strain on your knees or lower back. Find a position that feels comfortable but allows you to push through your heels during the exercise.

Execution of the Pendulum Squat

Begin by releasing the safety handles and slowly lowering your body by bending your knees. Keep your back pressed against the support pad, and make sure your knees track in line with your toes as you descend.

See also  How to Do a Pendulum Squat Muscles Worked


Inhale as you lower yourself down into the squat position and exhale as you push yourself back up.

Repetitions and Sets

Do 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps if you are a beginner. As you gain strength and confidence, you can gradually increase the weight or the number of repetitions.

The pendulum squat is a routine exercise that I do to build lower body strength. One of the reasons I do this exercise is because it can reduce joint problems. The movement is also simple, and I can adjust the load to my ability.


What does pendulum squat work? lower body strength
What does pendulum squat work? lower body strength


What does pendulum squat work? Which is an excellent exercise for building lower body strength, especially for beginners who want to improve their squat technique or reduce joint stress. By focusing on proper form and practicing controlled movements, you will be able to maximize the benefits of this tool and train your leg muscles effectively.


  1. What muscles does the pendulum squat target?

The pendulum squat primarily targets the quadriceps, with significant engagement of the glutes, hamstrings, and calves. It’s great for building lower-body strength.

What does pendulum squat work?  Quadriceps
What does pendulum squat work? Quadriceps


  1. Is the pendulum squat safe for beginners?

Yes, the pendulum squat is beginner-friendly due to its controlled range of motion and support from the machine, reducing the risk of improper form.

  1. How is the pendulum squat different from traditional squats?

Unlike traditional squats, the pendulum squat provides back and shoulder support, allowing for a safer, more isolated lower-body workout.

  1. Can the pendulum squat help build glutes?

Yes, the pendulum squat engages the glutes effectively, especially when performed with a deeper range of motion.

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