3 Proven Triceps Workout with Dumbbells for Beginners

Triceps Workout with Dumbbells
Triceps Workout with Dumbbells


Triceps workout is a common workout to make your triceps bigger and wider. There are a lot of methods to do triceps workout but one of the easiest ways for beginners is triceps workout with dumbbells. There are about seven methods or workouts for triceps using dumbbells. Here, I will explain to you one by one.

As the name of triceps, it has three heads. The location is in the back of your upper arms. Not only biceps that will make you look impressive by building it but also the triceps. They will make your appearance perfectly good. You will impress not only your spouse but also other people around you.

One of the easy triceps workouts is dumbbells’ neutral grip with bench press. This should be done in your gym and you need to know this will need a bench. Two dumbbells will help you do the workout for this workout. Well, do not need to wait too long, read all the information below.

I will give more information about the benefits of training your triceps with dumbbells too!

Several Triceps Workout with Dumbbells for Beginners

Triceps workout with dumbbells are the easiest ways. Dumbbells are the main tools that will always be in any gym. Therefore, you do not need to worry about not finding dumbbells. Here, you mostly need a pair of dumbbells to help you out. Then, before I share the workouts; I will tell you the main benefits of training your triceps with dumbbells! Well, here are the benefits:

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1. Free to Move

Of course, with the simple dumbbells; you will be easy to move your arms and body. You could control your move and easily avoid any injury.

2. Focus on Single Arm

Using dumbbells will help you focus one arm at a time and do the other arm afterward. It will balance the workout because we know that arms are not balanced. You must be having the dominant arm that is stronger than the other one. Using dumbbells will help you focus and make them balance in power and sizes.

3. Compound Lifting

You could use dumbbells without endangering your body to get press by barbells. You could use the same technique as the barbells method and get the same results.

Ok, those are the benefits of triceps workout with dumbbells.

Beginner’s Workout to Train Triceps

Finally, below are the workout for you as a beginner to use dumbbells to train your triceps:

1. Dumbbells’ Neutral Grip with Bench Press

Dumbbells’ Neutral Grip with Bench Press
Dumbbells’ Neutral Grip with Bench Press


As I told you before, this workout will need a pair of dumbbells and a bench. Here are the steps:

  • Lay on the bench
  • Set the palms facing each other with dumbbells
  • Keep the elbows tuck your sides
  • Low the weight into your mid-chest at the width of your shoulder
  • Press up and keep your dumbbells parallel


2. Dumbbells’ JM Presses

Dumbbells’ JM Presses
Dumbbells’ JM Presses


This workout is the second workout you should try in the gym. Again, you only need a pair of dumbbells to do this and a bench. Here are the steps:

  • Lay on the bench
  • Hold the dumbbells with overhand grip
  • Do a move like dumbbells press
  • Flexing your elbows and extending your shoulders
  • Do the arm move up and down
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3. Dumbbells’ Skull Crusher

Dumbbells’ Skull Crusher
Dumbbells’ Skull Crusher


The next triceps workout with dumbbells is called skull crushers. It is easy to do with the same tools: a pair of dumbbells and a bench. Here are how to do this workout:

  • Lay on the bench
  • Do the position like the first workout (Dumbbells’ Neutral Grip with Bench Press)
  • Flex your shoulder and hold the weight above your chin
  • Then, lower the weights to the side of your heads by flex your elbows
  • Do it in repeat

Ok, those are three workouts you could try to train your triceps. They are so simple and do not need many tools in the gym. You just need to be more consistent and do them in your gym time. You could set your own schedule and do the workout based on your schedule.

After you have done the three workouts above easily; you could move to another method of training your triceps. There are more workouts for the triceps with dumbbells; for instance, dumbbells Tate press, extension of overhead dumbbells (single arm), triceps kickback with dumbbells and loaded deep dumbbells.

You know, I have friends with good posture and best arms because their muscles are so impressive. Their triceps and biceps are balanced. The body is so good to see. When I asked them how to train their muscles; they said easy workouts. They said, you could just lift two buckets full of water or stones! I laugh but I don’t think they are kidding about it.

Triceps workout with dumbbells are not that simple. You could use the things around you but still need some special method and technique. Three of the workouts above are the easiest ones. Then, the next four workouts are also easy but you need more variation of moves.

See also  3 Preferably Most Important Triceps Workout with Dumbbells for Beginners

If you are ready to have more workout for your triceps; you could find it anywhere on the internet or videos. The videos will help you a lot to get the workout done correctly.

For me, it is really important to take care of your own body. Even if it is only muscles such as triceps or biceps; you should make them shine and look good looking. Not only your face but the whole body of yours. I know, personality is the most important of all but the first impression is coming from the eyes.

People will respect you because you train your body and keep your body healthy. Afterward, they will find out that you are a good person with a good personality too!

That is all the triceps workout with dumbbells for beginners. I hope all the information here will give you new knowledge and useful information for now or for your future. Share this and start your project to train your triceps now! Have a good day!


Can you train triceps with dumbbells?

Yes, you can. There are several workouts to train triceps using dumbbells.

What weight exercise for triceps?

One of the easy exercises is using dumbbells.

Is 3 exercises enough for triceps?

Yes, it is. You could do 3 exercises or workouts at one of your gym times. If you want to do more; you should do them next time.

Can I train triceps every day?

No, it is not recommended. You will get injured if you do that. You could do the training 2-3 times only for a week.

Meanwhile, you can also check our guide on Learning Bodybuilding.

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