Reverse Hack Squat Exercise

reverse hack squat
reverse hack squat exercise


The reverse hack squat is one of the best exercises for training that focuses on targeting the muscle groups in your entire leg using the appropriate weight. This type of exercise is very suitable with a combination of Smith equipment or heavy equipment such as a barbell; however, you will probably find more of this exercise done with a hack squat machine.

How to do this hack squat variation is by placing your feet shoulder-width apart and placing them on the foot plate. Then, you hold the side handles, you can start sliding your shoulders towards the shoulder pads as hard as you can. Release the weight by pushing it up, and then do a squat movement to make your front thighs parallel to the floor. Do a pushing movement with your feet so you can return to the starting position.

Benefits of Reverse Hack Squat

Benefit of reverse hack squat
Benefit of reverse hack squat


Here are some of the benefits of doing hack squat variations in the reversed position.

  1. Reversed position hack squats will strengthen the muscles in the legs. Reversed position hack squats increase the activation of muscle groups in the lower body, including the buttocks, hamstrings, adductors, posterior chain, and quadriceps. Make sure you have enough leg strength for compound exercises like lunges and deadlifts.
  2. Reversed position hack squats will perfect your squat form. Reversed position hack squats are one of the most effective leg exercises for ankle and hip mobility, and will boost the quality of squat variations with other weights, such as front squats, barbell hack squats, leg presses, and back squats.
  3. Reverse hack squats are great for adjusting your posture. With the right technique, reverse hack squats will upgrade your lower and upper back muscle strength and keep your spine aligned during a full range of motion.
See also  Hack Squat vs Leg Press Comparison

This exercise should be done routinely and need to do the number of repetitions gradually. Choose a reasonable number of repetitions when you first try it and add more when you feel stronger. Do not push yourself too hard because it will result in injury.

Reverse hack squat
Reverse hack squat



Are there any variations of hack squats that are suitable for intermediates?

You can try reversed position hack squats.

How effective are reverse hack squat?

You can feel the benefits more quickly and noticeably when doing this exercise.

Is a reversed position hack squat good for beginners?

You can try it, but don’t push yourself too hard if it’s your first time.

What are the tips for doing reversed position hack squats?

Make sure your legs are in top condition.

Reverse hack squat form
Reverse hack squat form

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