Bodyweight exercises are indeed the best type of exercise that anyone can do, no matter how busy you are and how old you are. For beginners who want to train their biceps effectively and more easily, this is the right choice.
This discussion will discuss body movement exercises that will train the biceps effectively without heavy equipment. Biceps training is the most important and best type of exercise because bicep strength will affect your range of motion. Biceps play an important role in most upper body movements, especially the arms and hands so that the hand pull is better and stronger.
Best Bodyweight Biceps Exercises
Here are some of the best types of bodyweight exercises to get big biceps:
1. Inverted Row

To do this exercise you use a barbell and a squat rack. You need to put the barbell on the rack at waist height; underneath you can put an empty bench. You can lie under the bar, and your chest is also right under the bar. Use your palms to hold the bar facing away from you and use your heels to balance, pull your chest towards the bar, then hold for a few moments, and finally return to the starting position.
2. Negative Inverted Row

Almost the same as the inverted row, the settings are more or less the same. However, for this, you do not pull your body up, start the movement with a slowly raised position, then lower your body down.
3. Bodyweight Curls

This exercise movement you can still use almost the same settings as the inverted row. However, for this movement, with your hands down you have to hold the bar. Try to keep your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent. Hold the middle of your body in the lower position of the bar, then keep your knees bent, pull yourself up towards the bar, try to make your chin almost touch it.
4. Isometric Bicep Hold

Bicep curls can be done without dumbbells and do not make you move your arms up and down; this is another version of the bicep hold and isometric chin up. Hold one arm in the curl as usual and form a right angle. For the free hand, apply pressure to the other arm, then press the forearm using your hand to produce resistance. Stay in this position for 10 – 15 seconds, do repetitions after resting.
Can I do it without equipment?
Yes, you can do training like push up, sit up, etc.
Is it safe for elders?
Bodyweight training is good exercise for everyone.
What is the best bodyweight exercise?
The best exercise is inverted row, but it depends on your preference.
Are bodyweight exercises the best for beginners?
This is the best exercise for beginners.
Check this article about how to get wider biceps quick!

Guntur is a bodybuilding and powerlifting enthusiast. He is also the main author of this blog https://learn-bodybuilding.com/
Guntur also works as a Personal Trainer in his town.
In his free time, he likes to learn new languages and reading.
You can contact him from this website’s Contact Page.