Frank Zane Workout Routine : The Legendary One

Frank Zane Workout
Frank Zane Workout


Frank Zane workout has created an aesthetic and extraordinary body shape in the world of bodybuilding. By having the smallest waist circumference in the Mr. Olympia contest, he won the contest 3 times, he even beat Arnold Schwarzenegger. Frank could do it even though he weighed less than 200 pounds, and became the second person to do it.

About Frank Zane

Frank Zane Workout Routine
Frank Zane Workout Routine


Frank Zane is one of the most popular bodybuilders to date. He participated in the competition during the golden age of the contest from 1961 to 1983. Even so, Frank’s interest in bodybuilding has been there since he was 14 years old, namely in 1956.

Like many people who start to like bodybuilding, his desire to become a bodybuilder also emerged when he saw a bodybuilding magazine that featured people with god-like bodies.

Frank Zane’s Upper and Lower Exercises

Frank Zane Workout Now
Frank Zane Workout Now


In Frank Zane workout, there are several training programs that have been carried out throughout his bodybuilding career. In this case, we will present several programs carried out by Frank Zane in shaping his body, and you can do this to train your body according to your needs and abilities.

The beginning can be done with a simple upper/lower split exercise that Frank Zane often practices. This exercise is often done during maintenance.

So that this exercise is simple and can be done easily, it is done with 2 sets and 10 repetitions during training.

See also  Frank Zane Height: Exploring the Legendary Bodybuilder's Stats

Upper Split

– Leverage rowing or bent-over row

– Dumbbell flyes

– Bench press

– Alternate dumbbell curl Reverse curl

– Press behind neck

– Pull down

– Dips

– Lying extension

– Barbell curl

– Side dumbbell lateral raise

Lower Split

– Stiff-legged deadlift

– Hack squat

– Parallel squat

– One-legged calf raise

– Calf machine standing raise

– Donkey calf raise

– Seated twist

– Tension sit-up

– Hanging knee up

Preparation Workout

When Frank is in preparation for a contest, he will do serious training with a Leg, Pull, Push training scheme that is done in 3 days, and rests for one day. That is Frank Zane’s training routine for bodybuilding competition preparation. This is very suitable for those of you who want to be serious about a bodybuilding career.

Frank Zane Workout : Prime Time
Frank Zane Workout : Prime Time


FAQs of Frank Zane Workout Routine

Who is Frank Zane?

He is Mr. Olympia winner 3 times until 1983.

What is Frank Zane workout?

He has upper split and lower split routines to do.

How great is Frank Zane?

He once beat Arnold Schwarzenegger in the same event.

Do you have to do all of these exercises?

You can choose the type of exercise that best suits your condition and abilities.

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