Get big, get very big…
Bodybuilding can transform both you and your entire life. No other sport or activity has such power or ability to completely change the way you feel about yourself or your achievements. It can turn a fat and depressed person into a lean, muscular and confident go-getter or the skinny kid into the school sports hero. If you want to be massive or just improve your physique you won’t find a better alternative than a healthy, consistent regime of bodybuilding, sports nutrition and diet.
To the left, on the menu, are listed the pages that explain all the basics of bodybuilding and weight training in simple, straight-forward English and will give you a very good basis to begin your muscle building adventures! Below we’ll try and offer a little inspiration and motivation to help you on your way. Get big, get very big 🙂
Basics of Bodybuilding in a nutshell
Okay, I always say that to understand anything well you need to see the big picture, so here are the very basics of bodybuilding:
- 1. Weight train. Learn all you can about lifting weights – how hard to train, how often, how to train so you don’t injure yourself or over-train. Weight training is how you order your body to grow and get massive.
- 2. Diet. Diet is just as important as your weight training – this is vital to remember and understand. You can train like an animal for as long as you like but if you don’t back this up with sound nutrition then you won’t grow as quickly (if at all!) as you could. Learn about protein, carbohydrates, fats and water. Figure out how many grams of protein per day you need and how many calories
- 3. Rest. Getting rest is so undervalued by so many bodybuilders that it makes me want to hit them with a dumbbell! 😉 They forget that you’re only growing when you’re resting. Get as much sleep as you need to wake without the need for an alarm clock and ensure you get enough rest and recuperation each week.
- 4. Supplements. Learn and read as much as you can about supplements – don’t waste your hard-earned money on crap supplements, only take ones that are proven to work. Concentrate on protein supplements and mega vit-mineral supplements above every other supplement. Cover the basics.
There you have the absolute basics of how to be successful at bodybuilding. These basics of bodybuilding are just a starting point. Read the rest of this website, and others, and buy bodybuilding magazines regularly. Knowledge, dedication, determination and consistency are the key to being successful at bodybuilding. You can be successful, good luck!
Take a look at some of the following photos to give you an indication of how bodybuilding has worked it’s magic…

With effort, determination and consistent dedication to your diet, training and supplementation you will be able to achieve a physique like you can barely begin to imagine. There is nothing stopping you…
Want to learn more about weight training? Read our guide on weight training basics.

Guntur is a bodybuilding and powerlifting enthusiast. He is also the main author of this blog
Guntur also works as a Personal Trainer in his town.
In his free time, he likes to learn new languages and reading.
You can contact him from this website’s Contact Page.